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Potential Genres Proposal


     My research paper was written towards introverts and the purpose was to describe the extroversion bias that our society has towards extroverts, and to explain why this bias is false because introverts have strengths that benefit out society, just as the extroverts are believed to have. For my project 3, I wanted to include different types of genres that help to encourage this idea that both groups of people have their own strengths, and extroverts are not better than introverts while keeping the intended audience for just introverts in at least one genre.  A few ideas that I had for some genres were:



- “Are you an Introvert or an Extrovert?” Quiz. In this genre I would create a quiz for someone to try and determine, through a series of multiple-choice questions, if they were an introvert and extrovert. On the result page, I would include a description of either an introvert or extrovert and the strengths that are associated with their type. This genre would allow me to manipulate the concept of audience. In my paper, the intended audience were introverts, while in this quiz the audience is broadened to everyone to allow them to figure out which type they are and what their strengths are.


- Journal Entries of an introvert. This genre would be a series of journal entries that would be written by an introvert, in order to highlight many of the feelings that introverts go through on a daily basis. This genre would allow me to take a very personal approach when discussing how introverts feel by letting my audience get into the head of an introvert and read what they are thinking.


- Introvert Strength Pop-up Book. If I chose to do this genre, I would create a little pop-up book written towards introverts. The book would be about the many different traits of an introvert, an on the outside covers of the popup doors, I would write the trait, but once you lift it up, you would read the strengths of having that trait and why having that trait is a good thing. This genre would allow me to encourage introverts that being the way they are can really be a good thing and they should be proud.


- Children’s Story Book. If I chose this genre, I would be creating a children’s story with little kids as the intended audience. The story would center on a child’s experience as an introvert in the classroom as they face the extraversion bias that is in their environment, and overcoming negative feelings. The child in the story would learn to really be proud of who they are, an introvert. 


Peer Review on Project 3

After going through the peer review session, the only critique that my group told me was to shorten my results page for both the introverts and extroverts result. I explained in detail what the strengths and qualities and common beliefs for each personality type were, and I need to condense all of this material into something that the common person would want to sit there and read without getting bored and quitting halfway through. I am going to try and make these explanations shorter without losing the material that I am trying to get across. 

Project Proposal

     For my project 2, I wrote a research paper with the audience that composed of introverts. In my paper, I discussed the bias that occurs in today’s American society. This bias is towards extroverts, those who are considered more talkative and outgoing.  This bias can be seen in a variety of situations. I furthered my paper by making a point to introverts that although there is this bias, it is weakly founded because introverts have so many strengths that help to further society, just in a different way than extroverts. It was very important to me that my audience walked away with the message that extroverts and introverts are no more important than the other group, they just have different strengths. In the two more genres I plan to create for project 3, it is really important that this message stays constant.


     For the first genre I am going to create for project 3, I will be creating an online quiz. This quiz will be called, “Are you an introvert or an extrovert?” This quiz will ask a variety of questions based on the research I did on the characteristics of introverts and extroverts. A sample question might be, “On a typical Friday night, what would you feel most comfortable and prefer to do: Go clubbing or staying in and watching Netflix?” After the person taking the quiz finished, their results would be generated and for both the extroverts and introvert’s result pages, I would describe an introvert or extrovert and would describe the strengths that are associated with this type of person. This genre would manipulate the audience, because my research paper was written towards introverts, while this quiz will be created for everyone to try and figure out which group they fall into. I plan to present this quiz on my website my connecting/linking my Wix page to whichever program or website I will use for the creation of the quiz. This will also allow me to put the quiz on the computer in order to present to the class and have a person or perhaps the class as a whole, take my quiz. In this genre, the problem that I foresee happening with this genre is figuring out how to create a nice and legitimate looking quiz. I will have to look for a good program or website to create a quiz that will allow me to design nice and good quality questions and also create a results page. This genre will add to my research by expanding the audience to everyone, and not just focusing on speaking to introverts. This genre will reach out to different people and discuss their strengths, so that everyone can feel better about who they are. 


     For the second genre I am going to create for project 3, I will create a children’s book. The children’s book will have little kids as the intended audience. I plan to write and illustrate the story and it would center on the experience as an introvert in the classroom as they face the extroversion bias that is in their environment, and overcoming negative feelings. The protagonist in the story would learn to really be proud of who they are, an introvert, and also appreciate the differences between people who are introverts and extroverts. In the children’s book genre the manipulation occurs in how the information is presented. In the research paper and the quiz, the information is mostly laid out in front of the person in facts, but this children’s book allows the information to take the form of a narration, and is more relatable as it describes a series of experiences that would take place in a young person’s life. I will present this genre on my website my creating a gallery of photos of each of the pages, which will allow anybody on my website to click through and read through the entire book. For my class presentation, I will also have a physical copy of the book, so the class can see a complete and full copy of the book presented in front of them. The problem that I foresee coming up with the creation of this genre is my time limitation. I don't have a large amount of time, and writing and illustrating a child's story book may take more time than I have available. This genre will add to my research by adding that form of narration, which shows he extroversion bias in action in the real world, so that it is in fact a recognizable real-life occurrence, and not just a theoretical concept. 

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