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Julia Gorday
Future Psychologist! Permanently half asleep! Ravenclaw! Massive Dork! Netflix Addict! Movie buff! Photographer! INFJ
Final Reflection:

     Throughout this course, I learned a lot about genres and rhetorical situations, and I enjoyed the many different experiences that came with learning about these genres. Some of the genres that I found very interesting to learn about included; live tweeting Trevor Noah and Adiche’s The Danger of a Single Story, Photos and Social Media, Academic source from the Florida State Databases, and watching documentaries about both McDonalds and the “Paleo Diet”.  Being exposed to these different genres really taught me that different genres each have their own purposes and audiences, so if one has a certain message that they want to shine through, choosing the genre wisely really will make its impact.

     If I had to choose one; Project 1 really challenged me personally, and my growing knowledge of genres by having to pick different genres to help me portray why I am so passionate about Psychology. When I first chose that I would write about how I became so invested in Psychology, I had no idea how I would include a combination of genres to present this. It was my passion and what I loved so much that I planned to do it for the rest of my life. Putting this passion into words was one thing, but how was I supposed to show this by including different genres. I decided on writing my paper 1 as though it was timeline, and the different trigger points in my life that made me fall more and more in love with this field. This paper not only opened my eyes to how genres can be used to portray something so personal and important to me, and the power that different genres had in sending messages, but it also allowed me to realize how strong my passion was for Psychology and reaffirmed me in why I was dedicating my life to this field of study. Different genres are powerful in different ways. 

     One of the in-class writings/assignments that we had to do that really was one of the most rewarding that even further supports my new found belief that different genres have a lot of power was Live Tweeting Adiche’s The Danger of a Single Story. This lecture given by Adiche made the point that it is important to listen to many different sides of a story to get the whole picture, because if only one side of the story is given, our knowledge and perspective as listeners and readers are biased and misshaped because we haven’t gotten the full story. Different genres in the world have the power to shape our perspectives on subjects and with this power comes the responsibility to tell the complete story. It is because of this lecture that I live tweeted that I will listen to every story with a grain of salt, because that is only a single story and it made not be the complete one at that.

     Genres are powerful way to share information with the world, and this class has shown many different types in a new light. I believe that because I have taken ENC2135, I will be a much more critical thinker and respecting audience member when it comes to these different genres.


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