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Live Tweeting Questions

Comedy can be a great genre to bring to light several different issues. This is a lighthearted way to question the workings of the world, in a way that most people can appreciate and understand. This genre allows people to take a look at their own lives and culture as well many others and enjoy the humor in the different ironies, by appealing to a much wider audience. There are also a couple limitations to using comedy as a genre. Comedy can muddle up the message, and distract the audience from the actual point that the comedian is trying to get across. Comedy also has the potential to anger the audience at poking fun at different issues as they may take offense.

I would describe Trevor Noah’s style as satirical as he makes fun of all the different people in his life, whether it is the American airport guards or the men who think he is too light-skinned to be from Africa.

Trevor Noah connects with his audience as he makes jokes about many different scenarios and aspects about modern life that the audience can all relate to; such as Siri messing up our commands, or the stereotype of Asian women drivers. His comedy special really struck me because he managed to talk about so many different racial stereotypes and aspects about life and make jokes about it. He managed to bring together people in laughter, and as a society we can laugh at all the ridiculous aspect of the world.

One interesting and relevant issues that Trevor Noah pointed out was the fact that American care more about pop culture aspects such as the Kardashians, rather than the state of our economy. Another issue is the fact that American society depends so much on the completely conceptual credit score, despite ones ability to actually pay for something. One more issue that he brings up is the idea that even when America creates video and advertisements for charitable causes, such as children starving in Africa, the most important part to sell this cause are aspects like the celebrity endorsement.

Based on these points Trevor Noah made, I would create the research question: What aspects in our society determine what is highly valued? Based on the point that within our American society, Kardashians are more discussed and known about than how our economy is doing.

Two potential research questions include:

What makes neurotics so anxiety prone?

Should Introverts be given more credit within our society?

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